Madelyn Desiano


Hi my name is Madelyn Desiano and I am on the UCLA women’s soccer team. Last January (2018) I enrolled early at UCLA and played in several spring games. In our last spring game, I fell crossing a ball and tore my ACL, meniscus, and sprained my MCL and LCL. I had surgery May 14th and redshirted this past season. By having surgery in May, I knew I wasn't playing in the fall, which was really hard to process. It was difficult not playing or traveling with my team, however I used that time to find a new appreciation for soccer and to learn off the field. My teammates, coaches, trainers, and family made my good days great and my bad days better. I spent the next 10 months rehabbing diligently, lifting consistently, getting fit, changing my diet, and building my confidence. 

Unfortunately, on April 3rd (2 weeks after being cleared) I cut hard in practice and re tore my ACL & MCL. I don’t know why these things happen, and I feel unbelievably defeated. I am hoping to have surgery in a few weeks after my MCL heals and will most likely sit out again next season.  After looking back at my numerous assessments with my trainers, I was 100% strong enough and ready to play, so my surgeon is calling this a freak accident with really bad luck. I have no regrets in my first recovery which gives me peace of mind and I have an amazing support system that will be with me every step of the way. My injuries teach me self discipline, patience, and resilience, which all define me more than anything else I’ve been through. One day I will be back doing what I love.

Bailey Cartwright