Grace Hartuniewicz

My name is Grace Hartuniewicz I was a senior and a captain for this past spring season on my school team. Our fourth game into the season I tried recovering a bad first touch my foot planted and body turned. I heard the snapping and popping in my knee I instantly went down screaming I couldn’t cry because I was in so much shock i knew I was gonna be out for the rest of the season. I had an mri a few days later and the results came back days after. I had torn my ACl,LCL PCL, MCL, both Meniscus’s and bruised tibula and femur. I was in pain but it got better everyday I started pre surgery pt to get ready for surgery 6 weeks later I had which was yesterday. It’s been the worst pain of my life. It’s a minor setback for a major comeback it’s gonna be a long road to recovery but I’ll get there I have such great friends and family supporting me through it all.

Bailey Cartwright