Episode 37: Vulnerability Is Supported - ft. Gwen Schemm

This week's guest is Gwen Schemm, a Frostburg State soccer alum. Gwen was someone who always looked like she had it all together but was really struggling with her mental well-being. She talks about what it was like resorting to self-harm and how she was able to overcome her obstacles. Gwen has a blog dedicated to mental health and she recently posted a social media message that went viral, reaching hundreds of thousands of people. Bailey and Gwen use this message as a starting point for talking about the importance of being intentional and not just posting when it is the trendy thing to do.

Gwen's Blog - https://thepursuitofimperfection.wordpress.com/
Gwen's Instagram - https://instagram.com/gwenschemm19?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=

Stronger Scars Website - https://www.strongerscars.com/
Instagram and Twitter - @strongerscars
Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdnROdDKei604eNMLamRagw?app=desktop

Bailey Cartwright